Adrian's Journal

Issue #1 - Modern Currency


Ideas are modern currency. I need a resource that can serve as a digital notebook for me. My real-life notebooks are about filled, and I get hand cramps and back pain from my desk. Well, if I was so motivated I'd use the desk anyway - I use the computer, don't I? Right. So, why roll a boulder up a hill when you could push it down. I've had my eye on bear blog for a while now, and I've decided to finally create my own blog on here. I don't expect anyone at all to read this.

When I say that ideas are modern currency, I intend to say that nothing is more valuable. I mean this in both a spiritual and monetary sense. Therefore, I believe taking disproportionate time studying creation is important as I project my life forward. Text, specifically, is a medium extremely well-suited to digital publishing. I find that practicing writing generates ideas and gives me a decent emotion of longevity. Still, though, the writing seems to collapse inwardly and destroy and semblance of meaning. I don't want to be the person writing about writing all the time. I get scrambled in the head if I do that too much.

Either way, I think that I'll try this for a while. Atleast for the days that I remain in Illinois, I want to try to write atleast one entry each day. So here I am! This is my statement: ideas are modern currency, I want to be rich in spirit and wealth. Here we are, then.

I previously had some romantic notions about voluntary poverty, especially after reading Walden and Siddharta. I don't really feel this way anymore. I feel extremely blessed to have access to all the features of a modern technological western society. That doesn't mean that these things don't come at a cost - but this is a cost I'm prepared to bare. I will continue studying sociology, computer science, and design. For now, those seem like the big ones. I also have a goal to continue dating my girlfriend. Relationships, after all, seem to be the bloodline powering this operation.