Adrian's Journal

Issue #10 - Issues

Issues, issues, issues. Today, I began by writing traditionally, that is, by using a pen and paper rather than typing. I guess having two forms of notebooks might be overkill? But, there was a large quantitative difference between both. I still have this project in mind - the receptacles that I'm missing are a typewriter and e-typewriter, then I will write a writeup about everything. Writing with a computer versus with your hand is very different. On the paper, I was not saying normal things. Grammar considerations came second to psychic word-flow and clanging rhyme. I wonder why?

I'm still here, breathing, doing what I can. I'm still here. Doing all that I can, being who I am, surviving, living, thriving. Today, I will read my blog post from yesterday to see what sorts of tasks I can do. But first I'll exercise, eat breakfast, and get caffeine in me. Somehow, I'm not feeling excited to call my girlfriend today. I wish I was, it's my fault for not being able to think of anything exciting to do with her. What can I do with another person that doesn't involve teaching or being taught? The sad part about language studies is that I have to talk with another person. That's why I love programming instead, lol.