Adrian's Journal

Issue #13 - Deviance

I have a class I haven't touched called social deviance. I missed the first assignment like the silly guy I am. From what I gathered, the first part of the textbook (which I will read!) is about social deviance, not merely about criminal or anti-social behavior, but any type of behavior that a majority does not fall in line with. I guess that's funny, I haven't read it, although I'm still in classes and reporting on it. I'm reading sociological books in my spare time but not doing my sociology classes. That's all fine.

Everything hurts, and nothing feels good at all. I feel wildly unhappy, as if nothing could ever change me. I know all this is false, I want it to be false, so I will continue writing and trying my best to resolve it in my own way. I am too poor for therapy. My friends offer no relief from the daily stress of my life. My lover is an ocean away. My family is dead. But I'm still here, chugging along the best I can. The American South only wants to kill me. I walked by a house the other day, and they had pitbull puppies running loose everywhere. They were not even penned up outside. They were simply loose in the area surrounding the house. As I passed the house, I saw people having sex inside.

I am only in this living situation for about two more weeks. After that, I return to Spain to resume my job as a teacher. That should be okay. I will be able to program, write, resume learning websites, resume learning Spanish, hangout with my girlfriend, and do everything that I want to. I need to be on high guard regarding my sleeping schedule. I want to wakeup at a decent hour. Spain kills me in other subtle ways. But maybe I'm over-using that word "kill". Either way, I'll continue to live my life. Just keep going, life is a marathon.