Adrian's Journal

Issue #13.5 - Nighttime

I was working on a magazine with my friend, but then my laptop died. Now, I only have an iPhone. It’s not the best for data entry. But that’s alright. At least its something. I want to continue working on this magazine until its at a point that its passively publishable. Or, I want to print a few copies on my own dime simply because I care about art. Few really care about art. I’m glad I’ve been working on art - my life feels happier in proportion to the amount of time I can work on my art.

Now, art is a subjective thing. Love can be an art, as can teaching and cooking. It doesn’t have to be just drawing or music production (although those things positively influence me as well). I wonder what I’ll become. I fear that as I return to Spain I’ll become caught in the whirlwind of time and be unable to work on my artwork. Realistically, it is all I want to do. I feel drawn toward school and a traditional career for worldly reasons. I feel only attracted to art and my relationship intrinsically. I want to pursue those things for themselves - because they give meaning to my human existence.

This blogpost is being written at 11:30pm at night. That’s why its a 13.5! I am happy. I began writing this as a way to generate ideas about what sorts of creative things I could do with an iPhone. I’ve decided it - I can write fiction in the notes app. Why is it that only poetry is reserved for the phone?