Adrian's Journal

Issue #3 - Untitled

a quick squeeze of writing before i go work this shift.

good morning. it's 7am, and i am super tired. I've just had a dream about creation and impression. i kept creating "impressive" things, and people around me applauded and complimented me for them, but internally i felt distracted, underwhelmed, and disappointed. I suppose that's a lot like real life. I suppose that that's the sort of life I signed myself up for when I decided to be interested in things as petty as "art" and "science".

I remember reading somewhere, I think in Tim Ferris' Tools of Titans, about how half of someone's physics department was on Zoloft. I remember, too, that nearly every researcher felt a bit depressed each day, as if they had not done enough work. I recall that the resolution was to realize that "failures" are progress as well: now you know what not to do! I must continuously apply this idea to my own life and not give up.