Adrian's Journal

Issue #5 - Garage or Garden?

I didn't write a post this morning: sorry, I'm not even particularly sure why I didn't. I woke up and didn't even have any time for sleepy happiness - I went straight for existentialism. The thought of writing didn't even cross my mind. I suppose it didn't because of yesterday, when my computer wouldn't boot up, and so I decided to meditate in the morning instead.

Regardless, I would like to spend some time today talking about my personal development and achievements. I really like the idea of a digital garage / garden for holding artworks and design created with new technology. I love this new technology. I'm beginning to feel a bit distressed by all this information that I've taken in, and I feel like I need to live my life a bit more. I'm feeling insane, as though I cannot function without creating atleast something each day. I don't necessarily regard that as a negative thing.

I understand that some form of self-directed entrepreneurship is the only method of "success" that can fit within the whims of my own life. I can't see myself doing anything else - whenever someone else assigns me work, I do it half-assedly and unmindfully. I can only focus on what I create. Knowing that, then, why don't I create things more often?

I think I can fall into some type of "tortured" artist routine, where I complain about the present conditions around me as being counter-productive to the things I wish to produce. But then, too, when conditions are right, I feel a bit miserable, I feel as though I cannot think. Perhaps there is actually something to it: correct conditions surrounding me make my life much better. If my health, both physically, emotionally, and mentally, are in alignment, my creative powers are also better. I don't know how I can achieve this all the time though. Sometimes, the outlier activities spark serendipity in ways I could've never anticipated; it seems shortsighted to attempt such control on my life.

And yet I do create things, very often. So don't worry, just keep creating them.