Adrian's Journal

Issue #8 - Jostle

I can hear music from where I am. In this house, the sound does not abide by rules of privacy. 808s travel really well through walls and under blouses... there's a real ghost in the house.

Good morning. Today I don't know what I'll do. It's already 12:22. My life feels like its falling apart piece by piece, and it'll never reassemble. I wonder if I'm too far gone to every do anything great. I feel like a loser in the biggest possible way. Would Charles Darwin's girlfriend stay with him for the 30 years of research his discovery took? I would understand if she didn't. But I also understand that that was a pre-internet era. Things are different now, quicker, fastest, more accessible. The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed. Well, let me push myself further toward the distortion.

That's why I'm here, I suppose. I'm here to generate ideas and to be making things and to be utilizing the leverage that the internet provides me. One of those things is memory and accesiblity - I can put whatever I want up onto a website and access it from any device anywhere, so long that I have internet access. This means some cool things. I could create a custom GUI to access from any public library in the nation. I have little lists stored on my personal "cloud" that I can just access. I should build a digital tools pages. I'll probably start working on that now. Thanks for jostling my little brain out of its stuck position.